Visiting Casa
“Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their trouble and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.”
James 1:27
Helping the Children and the Community
During the summer, spring break, and holiday seasons, a growing number of groups visit Casa. They come to spend time with the children, to work on construction, maintenance and various other projects. We are blessed that the groups also bring financial resources, which benefit Casa and the neighboring community.
We are excited that you are thinking about a trip to visit us at Casa de la Esperanza. Considering a mission trip demonstrates that God is working in your heart. You will be blessed by your visit.
Activities and service in which you may find yourself involved include:
- Eating meals with our children
- Playing games and providing crafts
- Participating in devotionals
- Helping prepare and clean up after meals
- Repairing or improving the physical facilities of the campus
- Building a community center in Anáhuac that will serve the community at large
- And much, much more!
Where Is Casa?
Casa de la Esperanza is located near the town of Anáhuac, right in the middle of Chihuahua’s scenic llanos, an area of plains and rolling hills. It is surrounded by flourishing farmlands, often owned and worked by Mennonite neighbors who have lived in this area since the 1920’s.
Anáhuac is about an hour and a half west of Chihuahua City, and about 15 minutes north of Cuauhtémoc. The population is about 14,000. Most townspeople are employed by Pondercel, the local paper-manufacturing plant, or in family-owned stores. Locals are very accepting of visitors, as many “Americanos” visit us during the spring and summer months.
Visitors to Casa often have opportunities to serve the surrounding community as well as the children at Casa. Read more about what we’ve been doing and our future goals in the articles below.

Vocational Educational
The Vocational Educational Center provide our children with the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in woodworking, construction, welding, plumbing, electrical principles, and automobile mechanics, among

Medical Clinics and Food Distribution
“He who is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and He will reward him for what he has done.” Proverbs 19:17 Over the

Other Avenues of Service
Conducting Devotionals Our daily practice is to share the Word with each other through our home life at Casa and with others by reachingout into

Anáhuac Church of Christ and Community Center
The construction of a church building and emergency housing has been in the making for several years. The building site was purchased in 2002, and

“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”
Ephesians 2:10
More Details
There is a lot more information that will help you plan your visit to Casa. A few general items are posted below, with even more specific details available in the Casa Visitor Packet, which you can download using the button below.

Safety and Travel
Northern Mexico is a relatively safe and secure area, and most of the stories of being robbed by banditos or getting Montezuma’s Revenge are greatly

Lodging and Necessities 2024
Food, Water, Lodging, and Utilities A few tips regarding eating and drinking in Mexico (outside of Casa de la Esperanza): Be selective about where you

Fees and Expenses 2024
Fees and Expenses Your group will need to plan for several types of expenses as part of your trip: Room and Board, Meals included (per